- Provide a couple travel stipends to some cool participants from far away!
- pay some documentarians to help us capture the whole event!
- Add sustainability measures to our conference (like industrial water purifiers instead of using tons of plastic bottles)
- and lots more!
- We will look over the applications! My goal is to try to get as many of you here as possible! We had a LOT of folks apply though, so we are rushing to figure out how much we can expand it if possible. Logistics are going to be our big challenge here
- Refine dates period- lots of people have asked me about changing dates, we may send out a more refined survey to learn exactly what days everyone is planning on coming
- We will send your official acceptances (or waitlistings) in February (will try to make this as soon as possible, but bear with us)
- Refine your details period
- You will need to fill out a form to make any revisions to your project proposals
- You can revise any of your personal details and contact info (we will only use the personal info you give us, so you can make up pseudonyms or whatever you want).
- You will also send in a photo you want us to share related to you or your project
- you will also send in a SUPER SHORT 3 sentence bio (most node leaders already have this taken care of.
- you will select a publication type – see below
- Publishing Projects -You will have a choice after you are accepted of how we publish your project on our site (the goal is to connect you all to each other, so we want to get started on that!).
- Public-Web / print, Public-Group – This will be the default. We will list your projects and yourselves on our website in a way similar to how we have the node leaders listed at www.dinacon.org/people
- Anonymous-Web / print, Public group – If you want, we can leave your personal details or contact information off the website, and still leave up descriptions of your project and the timeframe you are going to be there (so maybe people can coordinate with you). You will still be included internally with our group mailing lists for better coordination.
- Waiver- we will have a basic waiver you need to sign that just says you acknowledge that you are entirely responsible for your own self and safety and such.
- Code of Conduct: We will have a code of conduct you need to agree to about how you are required to be nice to your fellow people on the island (or we will literally kick you off the island!)
- Deposit – as noted in the FAQ, we want to make sure those people signed up and accepted actually show up to claim the space we reserved for them . https://2018.dinacon.org/faq So we will have you give us a 20$USD deposit that we can give you back on the island (probably in baht).