
This is the archived site for the first Digital Naturalism Conference (Dinacon). It was an experimental conference about exploring new ways of interacting with nature!
It ran from May-July, 2018, in Thailand. People come in and out for days or weeks at a time.

For one month, we will be hosting field biologists, interaction designers, engineers, artists, and anyone simply interested in exploring new ways of interacting with nature. All this will take place in Gamboa, one of the world’s major hubs for biological field research.

To get a feel for the types of projects people make, check out our free book from last year!

Alternative Conference

This event is quite different from traditional conferences! In the way that we have explored digital design for naturalist field expeditions with our Hiking Hacks, this conference investigates interactive tool-making in the setting of our own DIY biological field station.

Join us in the Jungle #dn #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

Fluid Timeframe

You decide when you want to come! We made the conference last for two months to try to reach as many people as we could. Even if you have other events to go to, you can plan your stay here around that!

Emergent Schedule

There are several node leaders who will run workshops on general topics throughout the conference, but the real schedule is up to you. Unlike many other conferences, there is no set tracks or presentation order. Chill out and groove on your own projects, jump into activities with others, propose a presentation, share a skill- whatever you want.

Learn more about the conference’s emergent structure, and other conferences whose ideas it builds off, like pif.camp!

Who Should Come?

All Disciplines

We target the intersection of interactive design and field biology, but you can be whatever you want! Whether you are a dancer, a chemist, a forager, or you just like nature and want to live and make stuff with cool people, the conference is for you!

Local and International

The key goal of the conference is to share knowledge, so we are looking for a healthy mix of connecting local, asian, and international groups who want to spread their knowledge about hacking and nature.

Diverse Backgrounds

We are working to try to share this opportunity with not just the privileged folks of the world (hence the reason it’s free). We are  target a healthy mix of people from different genders, cultures, and background.

The Rules

1) Make Something

You must complete something. Figure out something you want to accomplish while you are here. It can be any format you want: sculpture, a biological experiment, a movie,  a poem, a fingerpainting, a journal article – you just have to finish it!

2) Document It

You need to document the thing you made, and share it with us and the world! (Everything made here will be open-sourced and available to the public!)

3) Give Feedback

You need to provide feedback for two other people’s projects.

These basic rules ensure that everyone who comes will walk away from the conference with a new, peer-reviewed artifact they can share further out into the world!

***For the full rules, read more at the FAQ.


Generative Dance in the Wild and EEG Sonification.

Part One: How do movements couple to sounds in the natural environment, and can paired dance communication by improvised both in the movements and musical composition realms? I used SonicPi to generatively sample sound recorded from nature to make musical beats and rhythms. These beats will couple to pair dance metaphors in paradigms in salsa …